BioMaP-Consortium Virtual Collaboration Event

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BioMaP-Cpnsortium: Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing Preparedness - Consortium

Please mark your calendars and save the date for the BioMaP-Consortium’s first Virtual Collaboration Event!  The virtual event will convene on January 17th, 2024. The agenda includes information on Request for Project Proposals RPP-24-01-SmallMol, released 11 January 2024, as well as a projection of additional work identified in the 2024 pipeline.  For an introduction to the ASPR Industrial Base Management & Supply Chain (IBMSC) Office please review the document linked here: ASPR IBMSC Intro. Expect more exciting news about additional RPPs to be coming soon!

Webinar Registration:

1-on-1 Sign-Up:


Virtual Collaboration Event Slides are available for download here:

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