BioMaP-Consortium Virtual Collaboration Event – RPP-24-02-KSM-API

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BioMaP-Cpnsortium: Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing Preparedness - Consortium

Please mark your calendars and save the date for the BioMaP-Consortium’s next Virtual Collaboration Event.  The virtual event will be held on February 29th, 2024. The agenda includes information on Request for Project Proposals 24-02-KSM-API: Production of Drug Substances and Drug Products at Commercial Scale, released 21 February 2024, with the objective of developing platform technologies for efficient distributed scalable manufacturing of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) drugs.  This virtual event will serve as an introduction to ASPR IMBSC, an overview of the RPP, and an opportunity for collaborating with ASPR IBMSC.

Webinar Registration:


The government will also be hosting 1-on-1 sessions from 1-4pm on February 29th.  Each appointment will be 15 minutes long, and you will be randomly assigned your timeslot. One-on-one slots are reserved for discussion and Q&A specific to the RPP and are limited to BioMaP-Consortium members. Sign up for your slot by close of business on February 28th!

1-on-1 Sign-Up:


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