BioMaP-Consortium Virtual Collaboration Event – RPP-24-03-Sterilization

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Slides for this event are available for download on the Solicitation Page Here: BioMaP-Consortium RPP-24-03-Sterilization


Please mark your calendars and save the date for the BioMaP-Consortium’s next Virtual Collaboration Event.  The event will be held on Monday, March 11 at 1PM EST supporting BioMaP-RPP-24-03-Sterilization for “Sterilization Capacity for Vaccines and Therapeutics” released on March 1, 2024.  This virtual event will serve as an introduction to ASPR IMBSC, give an overview of the RPP, and provide an opportunity for collaborating with the Government.

Webinar Registration:


The Government will also be hosting 1-on-1 sessions from 2-4pm EST on Monday, March 11.  Please note that these One-on-One sessions are provided to give offerors a chance to get their questions regarding the RPP answered by the Government, and are reserved for BioMaP-Consortium members.  As such, discussion and Q&A should be focused specifically on the “Sterilization Capacity for Vaccines and Therapeutics” RPP.  In an effort to make the most out of your time and to facilitate open dialogue, no PowerPoint slides should be used, and it is recommended that you have your questions prepared in advance (there is no need to submit anything).  Each appointment will be 15 minutes long, and you will be randomly assigned your timeslot.  Sign up for your slot by close of business on March 8th!

1-on-1 Sign Up: Sign ups for the 1-on-1 sessions have closed.  Please submit any questions about BioMaP-Consortium RPP-24-03-Sterilization to 

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