Q&A Session for RPP-24-07-mAbs for “Manufacturing Optimization for Filovirus Monoclonal Antibodies”

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In support of the BioMaP-Consortium RPP-24-07-mAbs for “Manufacturing Optimization for Filovirus Monoclonal Antibodies” the BioMaP-Consortium will be hosting a live Question & Answer session with the government to address questions from potential respondents about the RPP.  Please use the link below to register for the webinar.

Questions should be submitted ahead of the webinar to the BioMaP-Consortium via email at BioMaP-Contracts@ati.org.  Questions received by 12pm July 8, 2024 will receive priority for answers during the Q&A session.  Questions received after the July 8th deadline, and live during the webinar may not be answered during the session, but will still be provided to the government for consideration and response and will be posted to the public website with the RPP documentation for reference.

You can find the RPP Here: https://www.biomap-consortium.org/rpp-24-07-mabs/

Register for the Q&A Session Here: https://ati.zoomgov.com/webinar/register/WN_1wotqP1GReufSgNhO4FFQQ

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