Sterilization Capacity for Vaccines and Therapeutics

BioMaP-Consortium RPP-24-03-Sterilization supports a strategic goal of ASPR, BARDA, and the Defense Production Act (DPA) Title III program, which seeks to expand domestic sterilization capacity to enable U.S. suppliers to support the production of 600 million vaccine doses within six to nine months with minimal disruption to the baseline public health supply chain.  This requirement is becoming increasingly acute due to the reliance on unstable global sources of supply for Cobalt 60, and an increasing reliance on alternative and emerging technologies such as X-ray or dual Electron Beam (E-Beam)/X-ray sterilization capabilities.

X-ray Irradiation Capacity

Project Details

Member Organization: Meissner Filtration Products, Inc.

Award Date: 08/22/2024

Award Ceiling: $11,678,000

Project Duration: 26 months

Solicitation Number: RPP-24-03-Sterilization

Project Objective: Meissner will operationalize an X-ray irradiation facility that appreciably augments domestically available sterilization capacity in aggregate and this capacity  will be available industry wide as a CMO service, and be maintained in manner which ensures availability of surge capacity during periods of peak demand such as PHE.